Color Bender

This webapp is in continuous improvement. Better layout coming soon. This page is in beta. The idea is to create fun colors. Think of this as a colorful etch-a-sketch. If you have any ideas of fun tools to add, let me know. Have fun!
Right-click on the canvas to save your image! [Screenshot button coming soon!]

Pause Canvas
Refresh Rate (ms) 5
Reset Toggle
Square Size 100
Square Opacity
Square 1X 0
Square 1Y 0
Square Control
Circle Size 100
Circle Opacity
Circle 1X 0
Circle 1Y 0
Circle Control
Circle 2 Size 100
Circle 2 Opacity
Circle 2X 0
Circle 2Y 0
Circle 2 Control
Square 2 Size 100
Square 2 Opacity
Square 2X 0
Square 2Y 0
Square 2 Control
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